Sick of the fluff and want a direct and compassionate therapist?

I’m your gal!

Neurodivergence, Addiction, and Trauma Therapy

In person in Scottsdale, AZ, and online in AZ, CO, and FL

Does this sound like you?

  • You feel like your life is spinning out of control

  • You’re always worrying and waiting for the “other shoe to drop”

  • You’re constantly arguing and hardly remember what it felt like to be in love anymore

  • You just can’t seem to get that one thing out of your head

  • You feel guilty every time you set a boundary, and then go back to how things were

  • You know who you are and what’s causing you stress, but you don’t know how to change it

Hi, I’m Lianna. I get it because I’ve been there myself.

Sometimes you need to process your past and work on healing those traumatic wounds. Other times, you need more structure and to create a plan that will help hold you accountable to taking steps to meet your goals. Whatever it is you need, I’m here to help you along the way.


  • Getting nervous every time the phone rings that it may be that call

  • Avoiding doing things you want to do because you don’t know where to start

  • Feeling ashamed of who you are

  • Fighting with loved ones so often you feel like it’s better to just not say anything at all


  • Being ok with letting calls go to voicemail

  • Making a plan and taking things one step at a time

  • Having the confidence to know that you can use healthy strategies to cope

  • Knowing you have the language and strategies to have calm and productive conversations

You don’t have to keep feeling overwhelmed and broken. I can help you heal from the past and build a new future.

  1. Book a free consultation to see if I’m the right therapist for you

  2. Together, we’ll come up with a plan to help you reach your goals

  3. Find the healing, peace of mind, and relief from worry that you deserve!

You are NOT in this alone!